"Joyfully serving your family? Submitting to your husband? Letting him be the head of your household?"
The world looks at these statements and balk. That's so 1950's. That's being a doormat and having no voice. This is setting women's rights back by decades. But isn't this what the Bible says? This is what God intended for marriage and family.
Darlene had a good point about the subject of submission. "Letting him have the final say doesn't mean that you can't have a discussion and share your ideas. A good marriage should have channels of communication by which husbands and wives both offer ideas and determine solutions. These should be mutual respect where both parties give and take of each other's thoughts. And there needs to be an attitude of acceptance where both a man and his wife can offer their voice."
So biblical submission does not mean we don't have a voice. We can discuss and offer solutions. But in the end, our husbands need to make the final decisions. And if they are looking to God for direction, then those decisions will line up with scripture.
This statement had profound meaning for me. "The reason we submit to our husbands is because we are commanded in scripture to do so. God's wisdom doesn't always sit right with mankind, and it doesn't have to. Faith tells me that His wisdom exceeds mine and therefore I put my trust in His infallible Word."
In the end, we all have a choice. God gave us that one right - the ability to choose our outcomes. But what will we choose? The world or God?
Joshua 24:15 NIV
But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve...But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.
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